
  • プロジェクトを遂行する進行管理スキル
  • わかりやすくものごとを伝え、相手に理解してもらえる折衝能力(プレゼン能力)
  • 黒字計算ができる財務マネジメントスキルなど






tomcat: 5.5
log4j: 1.2.15

log4j:ERROR LogMananger.repositorySelector was null likely due to error in
class reloading, using NOPLoggerRepository.



                                                                                                    • -

That seems to be at the second of these lines.

public static Logger getLogger(String name) {
return repositorySelector.getLoggerRepository().getLogger(name);

So either the repositorySelector is null, or its returning a null
LoggerRepository. If this is always from a shutdown hook (the other
don't mention if it's a shutdown hook). setRepositorySelector(..) is never
called, so presumably it's a null from LoggerRepository.

However, DefaultRepositorySelector does not even have an API for removing
repository once set. That would seem to suggest that the selector was made
a null LoggerRepository in the first place - but it can't be :)

Nothing Commons-Logging looks like it touches this, so currently I keep
suggesting the NPE can't happen. Need to repeat my steps and see where I
screwed up.